Saturday, February 19, 2011

Will Zalman Fit Storm Scout

You have the choice - or now the Hamwa (Potato) Salad!

morning elected in Hamburg again, and I have a feeling that no matter how it will, someone says the latest Wednesday night: "Now! Hamwa the salad" The husband and I have been a few years election district headquarters in St. Paul. And that's not possible without salad - that's long pasta salad, potato salad, it is now.

started when we we were in uniform for the old gentlemen of the Altona Civic Association, we affectionately dubbed Captain-nut brigade in the next polling station a small culture shock. Them was to see clearly that they have a choice committee between 25 and 35 years in holey blue jeans, sweaters, and Doc Martens Hoodis, plus acting under a female constituency line, a sign of decline of the West. Our voters responded positively surprised, however, "Man, has the rejuvenated here! "

meantime, we went from school to community center. polling station and want to give voters more we do not. The polling station has a fully equipped kitchen and guarantees continuous flow of coffee - in addition to potato salad, cake and biscuits, the most important thing in the election Sunday. The consoles also hide the fact that it pulls in the room, such as pike soup because it has two entrances. We should educate our voters so that they use only one door ...

voters and voting behavior, we also know very well already. The electoral district is a wonderful environment study. At the latest at 7.45 clock out late the night of the fish market. About same time the guys come over from David Guard for the first time: "Problems?" - "Nope. Coffee? "-" Nope. No time. If any problems occur, please call us nichich? "-". Jau "This dialogue is repeated two more times if we are to 21 clock still at the polling station, get the guys over all concerned, ask how long do we need and if they are to come after work to help count. And mostly it's the same guys how early in the morning - police officer is truly no eight-hour job.

While the captain-nut brigade ever complains about a lack of voter participation, we are glad if we at times in between Eating touch come. The night owls have chosen to come to church-goers. The service traditionally begins at 11 instead of the clock in the other churches in Hamburg by 10 clock to the market supply and fishermen with an opportunity to go after the closure of the market in the church. Even if more of the visitors, no one today who works at the fish market, has not changed. And since the election Sunday, a family service, it is in the polling station is very lively, then, my little basket with gimmicks for the little ones, is full - all tactics to young voters approached pull o) According to the churchgoers, the pimps, the curb swallows come with their Fußhupen, the Spontis, Alternatives Hafenstraßler. At coffee time, then go from young families and long-established, annuitized St. Pauli.

We know exactly who we need to prevent, to select outside the polling booth and who must be prevented from, as a couple to go into a voting booth ("But I have to be sure that my wife chooses the right party "-" Nope "). We know exactly who painted carefully in each circle an "A" and consider each time whether we should hand over that person has completed the ballot paper - "We ham ever get the work removed and prepared for what." By 18 clock I slide the last voter to the polling station and give the doorman, so after the close of polling, no one enters the room. And then we wait for the guy who always got in the last few years at 18.15 clock and loudly complained, because he no longer allowed to vote.

Our small polling station also attracts a regular basis to local politicians and famous. There would be the last state election Bülent Çiftlik photographed with us - the majority of his constituents target group lives in our district, where he cleaned very carefully handles. We were also one of the polling stations, in which the notifications made the choice Çiftlik - against the former as "Obama of Altona" celebrated politician will now include investigation for election fraud. We have already spoken before the time was odd that a lot of ethnic Turkish voters were not voting card and reported that Turkish-speaking men had been with them, to relieve them of the notification and to request something for them - which had not understood them. Since our voters forget but keep their electoral cards, embarrassed, WHATEVER, we thought nothing of it - we have clearly not enough criminal energy ...

Our choice is for a salad recipe from PR, a cooking friend, at 1 March 2009 too torn from the early life was prepared. For them, it

O mas was true Berliner potato salad.

Ingredients for 4 servings
1 kg of potatoes, mainly firm cooking
2 teaspoon mustard, medium hot
3 tsp sugar
100 ml cucumber liquid from the cucumbers
50 ml white wine vinegar
100 ml safflower or sunflower oil
a sour apple
pickles 1 large onion (or red)
½ bunch chives salt and pepper


preparation :

potatoes with 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon cumin cook. Drain off by this, and allow to cool slightly and serve warm peel.

Meanwhile, put mustard, sugar, cucumber water, vinegar, oil, salt and strong pepper and the finely chopped onion in a large, sealable glass and manufactured by vigorous shaking, an emulsion of vinegar (taking the prudent housewife therefor the Tupper Mix-Fix-o)).

Peel the apple and cut into small pieces, cut the cucumber into slices, as well as the warm potatoes.

In a large bowl alternately Pellkartoffelscheiben, cucumber and apple, and between each of the layers a few spoonfuls of the vinaigrette and a little pepper and salt.

At the end there should be such that a little too much marinade as a salad. The salad should always at least 3 - Pull 4 hours better yet overnight. During this time, the marinade from the salad and taste completely absorbed by the potatoes are very tender and not mushy. Then mix well.

Just before serving, cut the chives or green onions into small rolls and fold into the salad.



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