Burns Supper in trific
"Oh yes, today is the big day. S., and yes you eat tonight sheep testicles, "says J. and brings to the table conversation abruptly silenced the other ladies. I have no idea how J. comes to sheep testicles, but when you look at what lies just a salad on my plate, would presumably the more palatable alternative - cafeteria food is rarely what Foodies and never was for cowards.
"Neenee, we eat Haggis. From Haggistier (see above: Haggistier and prepared haggis). Living in Scotland. There are two ways. Very shy, the low-flying haggis is rarely seen or even caught, is because it's very deep very quickly flies over the moors of the Highlands. Presumably, we eat because of the Left-driving Haggis. The left has shorter legs than on the right so it does not fall from the mountain. If you want to catch it, it must carry on a plane. In this case you need a piper, to mimic the mating call of the female Haggistieres. Then comes the male Haggistier started, fall over because of the unequal legs, can be killed and cooked. In Germany, the Haggistier only once a year to get, just today, so we eat tonight. "-" Oh, merely adequate, "the ladies were amazed quite speechless. - "Yep." - "Then had to explain how it was."
Budde beautiful.
The trific invited to Burns Night, every year on 25 is January, the birthday of Scottish poet Robert Burns committed. S., who accompanied me to Stevan Paul reading was once again ready to come along - on the condition that they not eat haggis needs. Haggis is in the same category as calf - both cute and can therefore not be eaten. It does not matter that the Haggistier is only an invention. Haggis is the heart, liver and barley stuffed sheep's stomach. Sheep are also cute. S. So again got chicken, chicken corn in this case. Chickens are cute and may not appear to be eaten - fortunately are those special requests for Oliver Trific no problem.
to Burns Night is a traditional Burns Supper with
Scotch Broth - Scottish barley to corn-based chicken
Haggis with neeps and tatties - haggis with turnip and mashed potatoes
Trifle - led layer dessert with mango, gooseberry and Drambuie
The evening Axel Bogdan, recited, sang, guitar, bouzouki and bodhran playing, and Hannah Rautmann on Small Pipes, banjo and whistles. Was able then also the Haggis still really led to the table and the recitation of "Address to a Haggis" cut.
S. tried at least a bite of haggis, but was not quite convince them and preferred to remain in the chicken. With regret, we gave up the whiskey company - the next day in the house that makes misleading demanded full commitment to which we, after a short night and six life little water would not have been able to ... But we could sniff the glasses of the table and neighbors were happy to have chosen to Dalwhinnie and Cragganmore two girls whiskeys. Smoky and peaty taste is not ours. Then more like Drambuie, Whisky and honey liqueur - girl fit.
The evening ended with poems, music and song. After enjoying the full support of whiskey we would have "Auld Lang Syne", the most famous poem set to music-Burns, made probably loosely in the pocket version.
is also known "For A 'That and A' That", which on 1 July 1999, the Scottish Parliament was opened - red, left sock as I know, of course, the German version of "Despite all this," which was written on the occasion of the 1848 revolution, Ferdinand Freiligrath, in the 1970s and 1980s, picked up by Wade and Biermann was. Unfortunately there was no other in the tube version of the Freiligrath-song.
We agreed: A nice evening with very good food. "Actually, we would have to regularly meet here," suggested S.. That would be 'ne measure. And unless another architect at the table, we can also unabashedly about the house, makes the misleading gossip ... The next table is already booked - but then I have photo-ban, because the husband comes along.
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