first attempt and first mistake: I forgot again that all ingredients should be at room temperature. I like to forget. The mass was and was not stiff, despite gelatin, not even hitting for 'Ner less than an hour to make the water (fortunately I have an electric whisk). And the flavor was as pure bites you in a pound of butter.
Second error: The original recipe is from Yannick Alléno was just too heavy for me. I can not get cold lemon cream with hot chocolate to coat frosting, without everything melts and is a visual disaster - the photo above left shows the half-way respectable version of Experiment two ... The accompanying lemon jelly really wanted and did not gel. But my friend had read but a lot of fun in the hunt for the necessary pectin, here. This shopping trip has upset him somehow sustainable ... If I remember right, since he was not shopping with me. What might be the only? And prepared according to recipe Confit lemon peel I found just laff. I cut the recipe then systematically into its component parts - my version is not much in common with the original "chocolate fondant au Citron" from the gourmet Bookazine No. 13.
Curd In the second experiment, the true consistency, but the butter flavor was still far too dominant - at least for me. I have as yet no real English Lemon Curd eaten - maybe have the taste of butter so penetrating. In the original recipe Alléno all come to 180 g butter 2 eggs, 3 lemons and 130 g of sugar ... But since it Lemon Curd and Butter Curd is, I insist on lemon flavor. Since I am trotzköpfig!
at the third attempt, with butter cut into thirds and three times the Certain amount of gelatin, the taste for me then: Nice melting lemony and tender. Meanwhile, I had lemon jelly and Confit lemon peel away and concentrated on the essentials.
if you, like sugar doll, the curd would take as a spread, you can do without the gelatin completely determined.
Iced Chocolate Cream with Lemon Curd
Ingredients for 8 servings
For the chocolate leaves:
150 g dark chocolate (99%)
For the chocolate cream:
125 ml milk
125 ml cream
2 egg yolks
30 g sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
100 g Guanaja chocolate (70%)
For the Lemon Curd:
2 eggs
130 g sugar
3 lemons, raw, peel and juice
60 g butter
3 gelatin sheets
For the glaze: 3 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons cream 3 tablespoons sugar syrup
1 tbsp dextrose, heaped
35 g chopped Pur Caribe chocolate (66%)
100 g milk chocolate cake icing or glaze chopped
the chocolate cream: Chop the chocolate
small and mix with the cocoa powder. Egg yolks and sugar until fluffy. Milk cream and heat over a water bath. Egg yolk-sugar mixture into the milk-cream mixture and stir the water until the mass thickens. Then the mixture over the chocolate and give stir until the chocolate has melted. In serving ramekins or in a shallow dish type (so that the mass is about 1 cm high) and type in the freezer overnight.
The chocolate leaves: Cut Back From
forward eight rectangles measuring 10 cm x 10 cm and a flat surface (eg, tray or baking sheet). The chocolate in the boiling water. The paper rectangles carefully melted with the chocolate , Brush until the chocolate is used up. dry for several hours.
The Lemon Curd:
All ingredients must be at room temperature. Soften gelatin in water. Grate the peel from the lemons. Squeeze out juice. Eggs with sugar, lemon juice and lemon peel to the water beat until the mixture is thick. Then stir in the butter. Gelatine. Lemon mass to give teaspoonful and stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Then this mixture with the lemon cream stir. The cream through a sieve and pour into molds or serving in a pastry bag. A few hours in the refrigerator.
The glaze:
chocolate and chocolate frosting mix. Heat the milk, cream, sugar syrup and glucose and give up the chopped chocolate mixture. Stir until chocolate is melted. To serve warm, if applicable.
serve: Remove the baking paper
of the chocolate leaves carefully - the chocolate leaves break easily. Place on each plate with a chocolate leaf. Chocolate cream from the freezer and take into portions, if necessary. Spread on the chocolate leaves. Lemon Curd to inject either the cream or chocolate spread out in portions. The glaze in a wild pattern spread over the dessert.
If you like, decorated still with lemon confit and jelly With lemon or chocolate chips.
If there is remaining lemon cream: The
keep in the refrigerator for about 4 weeks and is delicious spread on bread to muffins or scones.
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