03 December 2010
Despite the coldness in the last week on the site is happening, the ultimate and most important trade union - the roof - is still not ready.
The roof in detail:
- On the roof panels were installed
- it has started to patch up the holes in the underlays
- the lining of the chimney has been corrected
- 20% of the roof is covered
The remaining work of the interior walls were begun on the first floor. The walls (partition walls in the bathroom and bedroom), there have been bricked, but are bent and crooked and one cheek. This was also confirmed by our construction manager. Fortunately, these walls are
not yet been corrected - so I could take a photo like this again, otherwise no one will believe us.
There is also: "... tear down again and re-do!"
As the scaffolding is still not yet been reduced, we had all been coordinated events in the utilities (electricity, gas and water) to cancel again. could That annoys us, first, because it was simply unnecessary, and secondly, that we have to fear because of the now occurred winter that the new dates can be realized until next year :-(
After all, the civil engineers passing bays for rain - Install water and dirt
These are the upcoming activities:
- Construction of the pediment crown covers (KW47 - work in progress)
- Roofing work (KW47 - work in progress)
- blending the pages of Captain Gable (KW47 - done in KW48)
- Installation the rain gutters on the main eaves (KW47 - done in KW48)
- Installation of rain gutters on the pediments (KW47 - done in KW49)
- Placing the caulking in the expansion joints (KW47 - open)
- Finishing the interior walls in the floor (KW47 - in progress)
- dismantling of scaffolding (KW48 - open)
- clearing the site (KW48 - open)
- Contractors for building supplies (KW48 - coming soon) 27
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