05th November 2010
There are again two intense weeks behind us. The determined clearest result is that now Sogut as all the windows are installed. The record company has delivered to us very good and fast work - we are totally satisfied.
The Elektrorohinstallation is ongoing. The company has Ramm & Antzcak within two days all the wiring implemented including special needs and we left a good impression.
The Verblendarbeiten could not be completed because we had to endure in the last days of continuous rain, so the builders probably have the next week will be beschäfftigt.
Only the roof, there are still significant problems. The batten was indeed correct, however, our developers so far failed to produce a detailed design of the gable crowns, both the energy and static Requirements. The roofers had to pack up yesterday morning again, because the envisaged construction works.
since 5 August, we urge a suitable solution but so far our builder or structural engineer to be sold nothing useful.
We are really angry, because the weather is better and the developers will finally ensure that the roof is closed.
Moreover, as long as the roof is not covered, the drywall does not start and hang on the turn, the plastering, the sanitary installations, etc. - caused a further delay would be unnecessary.
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