was this afternoon when the first Egli figures show in Rüthen opened. Many guests had come to join us in celebrating the outcome of the three-month preparation period. After the thank-you to all sponsors and supporters of the idea, we could see the new headmistress of the school principal, Mrs Brigitte Werner, who welcomed us warmly. Then Pastor Bernd front wiper came to speak, it sees in the figures, a medium through which one can express his own experiences with the Bible. Pastor Bernd Goetze then invited those present to give the characters in the stories of a face. It was a thank you to all staff and a common song, for "Where are two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. "said Jesus, which was felt at the opening.
bread and wine (grape juice) as a sign of the necessities of life and joy were then divided by those present to each other .
The idea of this exhibition has already inspired many. We hope that this spirit will skip and get to the visitors of the exhibition, the stories of Jesus with new eyes and tell others about it.
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