Scenes from a Marriage: Hidden camera
you: "Be careful, dear, the cake must be photographed yet!"
he, "to keep also wants to interview him?"
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monster Energy Signcloring Pages
Stuffed cabbage head with mashed potatoes
come off in the winter must be just us this dish on the table. The recipe I found in the late 1980 times in a "friend". At that time I was cooking absolute beginner - okay, some say that has not changed to this day ... However
I am no longer with grannies inherited enamel roaster in the supermarket to a single in the big pot, I have to find matching cabbage. I have been suitable for any size head of cabbage pots. And I am not a sewing thread for wrapping or packing tape anymore, but have kitchen twine. Sewing is not an alternative way to kitchen string - too thin, cut the cabbage into pieces. However, is already packing tape - if you include string understands, no tape. Meanwhile, I speak also to square the circle: the constraints of 1 kg of ground beef in 500 g of cabbage, because mitzuzubringen the husband's request, a small cabbage, and took too literally the same time forgot that he had only been frozen beef kilo ...
thought the recipe is complicated, but the taste justifies the effort. Now and then I improvise. Thyme instead of parsley, dried tomatoes instead of tomato paste ... Mostly I stick to the recipe exactly, however.
Stuffed savoy cabbage with mashed potatoes
Ingredients for 6 servings
20 g dried porcini mushrooms 250 ml lukewarm water
two stale rolls
1 head cabbage (about 1 kg)
2 onions 2 garlic cloves
100 g streaky bacon
4 tablespoons oil 1 bunch parsley
g 500 Beef
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 eggs
500 ml vegetable stock
200 ml cream
1 shot of red wine
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 kg floury potatoes
500 ml milk
3 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper
Cayenne pepper
paprika powder, sweet
grated nutmeg,
the mushrooms in a small bowl, soak in 125 ml lukewarm water. Soak the bread in the remaining 125 ml of water (if the rolls are not old fashioned, but dry, you have to take more water).
Remove from Savoy possibly the outer damaged leaves. Cut the stalk crosswise. Bring a large pot of water to boiling. The pot must be large enough that the whole head of cabbage can be fit and rotated. The cabbage into the boiling water and cook about 8 minutes, turning it occasionally. Remove the can, rinse with cold water, cool and dry on a clean towel. The cooking pot is needed later.
onions and garlic and chop finely. Dice the bacon, too. Wash the parsley and chop finely. 2 tablespoons oil in a pan. Half of the diced bacon fry, then add garlic and onion and sauté until soft. Stir the parsley into the mixture.
Half of the Mushrooms from the water and let drain. The roll express strong.
the mincemeat in a large bowl. Stir in half of the mushrooms, the bread, the bacon-onion mixture, tomato puree and the eggs (by hand or with the dough hook of the hand mixer). The mass well with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and paprika to taste.
When the cabbage has cooled, carefully unfold the sheets individually from the outside in, in a way that they remain seated on the stump. The cabbage looks like a huge flower. Gently press the leaves always flat, so they stay down. The heart head of the coal remains mostly intact, as too hard.
the minced meat mixture spoon spread from inside to outside between the cabbage leaves, while pressing down as far as possible to drink. Hack Any layer surround by the cabbage leaves are folded up. Then comes the next hack layer is depleted to the ground. The two outer leaf layers does not fill, but only up cover. The stuffed cabbage carefully compress and tie a star shape with string. It can help not hurt, but we can do it by himself.
The remaining 2 tablespoons oil in large pot To heat enter the second half of the bacon and fry this together with the cabbage. Head around briefly fry.
with the vegetable stock and pour a shot of wine. The other half of the mushrooms along with the soaking water to give careful (if soaking water through a fine sieve, if the mushrooms were sandy). The cabbage in a closed pot over medium heat, simmer for about 90 minutes. It Pour broth if required.
The Cook the potatoes in the pan, then peel. Heat the milk gradually to give the potatoes while they crush with a potato masher be. Fold in the butter. The puree with salt and nutmeg to taste and keep warm.
the cabbage from the pan and remove the string. Then the cabbage with a sharp knife, divide into serving pieces.
the gravy with cream loskochen. Cornstarch with water until smooth, and stir with a whisk into the sauce. The sauce with salt and pepper to taste.
the filled cabbage on plates in portions of mashed potatoes and gravy.
come off in the winter must be just us this dish on the table. The recipe I found in the late 1980 times in a "friend". At that time I was cooking absolute beginner - okay, some say that has not changed to this day ... However
I am no longer with grannies inherited enamel roaster in the supermarket to a single in the big pot, I have to find matching cabbage. I have been suitable for any size head of cabbage pots. And I am not a sewing thread for wrapping or packing tape anymore, but have kitchen twine. Sewing is not an alternative way to kitchen string - too thin, cut the cabbage into pieces. However, is already packing tape - if you include string understands, no tape. Meanwhile, I speak also to square the circle: the constraints of 1 kg of ground beef in 500 g of cabbage, because mitzuzubringen the husband's request, a small cabbage, and took too literally the same time forgot that he had only been frozen beef kilo ...
thought the recipe is complicated, but the taste justifies the effort. Now and then I improvise. Thyme instead of parsley, dried tomatoes instead of tomato paste ... Mostly I stick to the recipe exactly, however.
Stuffed savoy cabbage with mashed potatoes
Ingredients for 6 servings
20 g dried porcini mushrooms 250 ml lukewarm water
two stale rolls
1 head cabbage (about 1 kg)
2 onions 2 garlic cloves
100 g streaky bacon
4 tablespoons oil 1 bunch parsley
g 500 Beef
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 eggs
500 ml vegetable stock
200 ml cream
1 shot of red wine
2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 kg floury potatoes
500 ml milk
3 tablespoons butter
salt and pepper
Cayenne pepper
paprika powder, sweet
grated nutmeg,
the mushrooms in a small bowl, soak in 125 ml lukewarm water. Soak the bread in the remaining 125 ml of water (if the rolls are not old fashioned, but dry, you have to take more water).
Remove from Savoy possibly the outer damaged leaves. Cut the stalk crosswise. Bring a large pot of water to boiling. The pot must be large enough that the whole head of cabbage can be fit and rotated. The cabbage into the boiling water and cook about 8 minutes, turning it occasionally. Remove the can, rinse with cold water, cool and dry on a clean towel. The cooking pot is needed later.
onions and garlic and chop finely. Dice the bacon, too. Wash the parsley and chop finely. 2 tablespoons oil in a pan. Half of the diced bacon fry, then add garlic and onion and sauté until soft. Stir the parsley into the mixture.
Half of the Mushrooms from the water and let drain. The roll express strong.
the mincemeat in a large bowl. Stir in half of the mushrooms, the bread, the bacon-onion mixture, tomato puree and the eggs (by hand or with the dough hook of the hand mixer). The mass well with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and paprika to taste.
When the cabbage has cooled, carefully unfold the sheets individually from the outside in, in a way that they remain seated on the stump. The cabbage looks like a huge flower. Gently press the leaves always flat, so they stay down. The heart head of the coal remains mostly intact, as too hard.
the minced meat mixture spoon spread from inside to outside between the cabbage leaves, while pressing down as far as possible to drink. Hack Any layer surround by the cabbage leaves are folded up. Then comes the next hack layer is depleted to the ground. The two outer leaf layers does not fill, but only up cover. The stuffed cabbage carefully compress and tie a star shape with string. It can help not hurt, but we can do it by himself.
The remaining 2 tablespoons oil in large pot To heat enter the second half of the bacon and fry this together with the cabbage. Head around briefly fry.
with the vegetable stock and pour a shot of wine. The other half of the mushrooms along with the soaking water to give careful (if soaking water through a fine sieve, if the mushrooms were sandy). The cabbage in a closed pot over medium heat, simmer for about 90 minutes. It Pour broth if required.
The Cook the potatoes in the pan, then peel. Heat the milk gradually to give the potatoes while they crush with a potato masher be. Fold in the butter. The puree with salt and nutmeg to taste and keep warm.
the cabbage from the pan and remove the string. Then the cabbage with a sharp knife, divide into serving pieces.
the gravy with cream loskochen. Cornstarch with water until smooth, and stir with a whisk into the sauce. The sauce with salt and pepper to taste.
the filled cabbage on plates in portions of mashed potatoes and gravy.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Will Zalman Fit Storm Scout
You have the choice - or now the Hamwa (Potato) Salad!
morning elected in Hamburg again, and I have a feeling that no matter how it will, someone says the latest Wednesday night: "Now! Hamwa the salad" The husband and I have been a few years election district headquarters in St. Paul. And that's not possible without salad - that's long pasta salad, potato salad, it is now.
started when we we were in uniform for the old gentlemen of the Altona Civic Association, we affectionately dubbed Captain-nut brigade in the next polling station a small culture shock. Them was to see clearly that they have a choice committee between 25 and 35 years in holey blue jeans, sweaters, and Doc Martens Hoodis, plus acting under a female constituency line, a sign of decline of the West. Our voters responded positively surprised, however, "Man, has the rejuvenated here! "
meantime, we went from school to community center. polling station and want to give voters more we do not. The polling station has a fully equipped kitchen and guarantees continuous flow of coffee - in addition to potato salad, cake and biscuits, the most important thing in the election Sunday. The consoles also hide the fact that it pulls in the room, such as pike soup because it has two entrances. We should educate our voters so that they use only one door ...
voters and voting behavior, we also know very well already. The electoral district is a wonderful environment study. At the latest at 7.45 clock out late the night of the fish market. About same time the guys come over from David Guard for the first time: "Problems?" - "Nope. Coffee? "-" Nope. No time. If any problems occur, please call us nichich? "-". Jau "This dialogue is repeated two more times if we are to 21 clock still at the polling station, get the guys over all concerned, ask how long do we need and if they are to come after work to help count. And mostly it's the same guys how early in the morning - police officer is truly no eight-hour job.
While the captain-nut brigade ever complains about a lack of voter participation, we are glad if we at times in between Eating touch come. The night owls have chosen to come to church-goers. The service traditionally begins at 11 instead of the clock in the other churches in Hamburg by 10 clock to the market supply and fishermen with an opportunity to go after the closure of the market in the church. Even if more of the visitors, no one today who works at the fish market, has not changed. And since the election Sunday, a family service, it is in the polling station is very lively, then, my little basket with gimmicks for the little ones, is full - all tactics to young voters approached pull o) According to the churchgoers, the pimps, the curb swallows come with their Fußhupen, the Spontis, Alternatives Hafenstraßler. At coffee time, then go from young families and long-established, annuitized St. Pauli.
We know exactly who we need to prevent, to select outside the polling booth and who must be prevented from, as a couple to go into a voting booth ("But I have to be sure that my wife chooses the right party "-" Nope "). We know exactly who painted carefully in each circle an "A" and consider each time whether we should hand over that person has completed the ballot paper - "We ham ever get the work removed and prepared for what." By 18 clock I slide the last voter to the polling station and give the doorman, so after the close of polling, no one enters the room. And then we wait for the guy who always got in the last few years at 18.15 clock and loudly complained, because he no longer allowed to vote.
Our small polling station also attracts a regular basis to local politicians and famous. There would be the last state election Bülent Çiftlik photographed with us - the majority of his constituents target group lives in our district, where he cleaned very carefully handles. We were also one of the polling stations, in which the notifications made the choice Çiftlik - against the former as "Obama of Altona" celebrated politician will now include investigation for election fraud. We have already spoken before the time was odd that a lot of ethnic Turkish voters were not voting card and reported that Turkish-speaking men had been with them, to relieve them of the notification and to request something for them - which had not understood them. Since our voters forget but keep their electoral cards, embarrassed, WHATEVER, we thought nothing of it - we have clearly not enough criminal energy ...
Our choice is for a salad recipe from PR, a cooking friend, at 1 March 2009 too torn from the early life was prepared. For them, it
O mas was true Berliner potato salad.
Ingredients for 4 servings
1 kg of potatoes, mainly firm cooking
2 teaspoon mustard, medium hot
3 tsp sugar
100 ml cucumber liquid from the cucumbers
50 ml white wine vinegar
100 ml safflower or sunflower oil
a sour apple
pickles 1 large onion (or red)
½ bunch chives salt and pepper
preparation :
potatoes with 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon cumin cook. Drain off by this, and allow to cool slightly and serve warm peel.
Meanwhile, put mustard, sugar, cucumber water, vinegar, oil, salt and strong pepper and the finely chopped onion in a large, sealable glass and manufactured by vigorous shaking, an emulsion of vinegar (taking the prudent housewife therefor the Tupper Mix-Fix-o)).
Peel the apple and cut into small pieces, cut the cucumber into slices, as well as the warm potatoes.
In a large bowl alternately Pellkartoffelscheiben, cucumber and apple, and between each of the layers a few spoonfuls of the vinaigrette and a little pepper and salt.
At the end there should be such that a little too much marinade as a salad. The salad should always at least 3 - Pull 4 hours better yet overnight. During this time, the marinade from the salad and taste completely absorbed by the potatoes are very tender and not mushy. Then mix well.
Just before serving, cut the chives or green onions into small rolls and fold into the salad.
morning elected in Hamburg again, and I have a feeling that no matter how it will, someone says the latest Wednesday night: "Now! Hamwa the salad" The husband and I have been a few years election district headquarters in St. Paul. And that's not possible without salad - that's long pasta salad, potato salad, it is now.
started when we we were in uniform for the old gentlemen of the Altona Civic Association, we affectionately dubbed Captain-nut brigade in the next polling station a small culture shock. Them was to see clearly that they have a choice committee between 25 and 35 years in holey blue jeans, sweaters, and Doc Martens Hoodis, plus acting under a female constituency line, a sign of decline of the West. Our voters responded positively surprised, however, "Man, has the rejuvenated here! "
meantime, we went from school to community center. polling station and want to give voters more we do not. The polling station has a fully equipped kitchen and guarantees continuous flow of coffee - in addition to potato salad, cake and biscuits, the most important thing in the election Sunday. The consoles also hide the fact that it pulls in the room, such as pike soup because it has two entrances. We should educate our voters so that they use only one door ...
voters and voting behavior, we also know very well already. The electoral district is a wonderful environment study. At the latest at 7.45 clock out late the night of the fish market. About same time the guys come over from David Guard for the first time: "Problems?" - "Nope. Coffee? "-" Nope. No time. If any problems occur, please call us nichich? "-". Jau "This dialogue is repeated two more times if we are to 21 clock still at the polling station, get the guys over all concerned, ask how long do we need and if they are to come after work to help count. And mostly it's the same guys how early in the morning - police officer is truly no eight-hour job.
While the captain-nut brigade ever complains about a lack of voter participation, we are glad if we at times in between Eating touch come. The night owls have chosen to come to church-goers. The service traditionally begins at 11 instead of the clock in the other churches in Hamburg by 10 clock to the market supply and fishermen with an opportunity to go after the closure of the market in the church. Even if more of the visitors, no one today who works at the fish market, has not changed. And since the election Sunday, a family service, it is in the polling station is very lively, then, my little basket with gimmicks for the little ones, is full - all tactics to young voters approached pull o) According to the churchgoers, the pimps, the curb swallows come with their Fußhupen, the Spontis, Alternatives Hafenstraßler. At coffee time, then go from young families and long-established, annuitized St. Pauli.
Our small polling station also attracts a regular basis to local politicians and famous. There would be the last state election Bülent Çiftlik photographed with us - the majority of his constituents target group lives in our district, where he cleaned very carefully handles. We were also one of the polling stations, in which the notifications made the choice Çiftlik - against the former as "Obama of Altona" celebrated politician will now include investigation for election fraud. We have already spoken before the time was odd that a lot of ethnic Turkish voters were not voting card and reported that Turkish-speaking men had been with them, to relieve them of the notification and to request something for them - which had not understood them. Since our voters forget but keep their electoral cards, embarrassed, WHATEVER, we thought nothing of it - we have clearly not enough criminal energy ...
Our choice is for a salad recipe from PR, a cooking friend, at 1 March 2009 too torn from the early life was prepared. For them, it
O mas was true Berliner potato salad.
Ingredients for 4 servings
1 kg of potatoes, mainly firm cooking
2 teaspoon mustard, medium hot
3 tsp sugar
100 ml cucumber liquid from the cucumbers
50 ml white wine vinegar
100 ml safflower or sunflower oil
a sour apple
pickles 1 large onion (or red)
½ bunch chives salt and pepper
preparation :
potatoes with 1 tablespoon salt and 1 tablespoon cumin cook. Drain off by this, and allow to cool slightly and serve warm peel.
Meanwhile, put mustard, sugar, cucumber water, vinegar, oil, salt and strong pepper and the finely chopped onion in a large, sealable glass and manufactured by vigorous shaking, an emulsion of vinegar (taking the prudent housewife therefor the Tupper Mix-Fix-o)).
Peel the apple and cut into small pieces, cut the cucumber into slices, as well as the warm potatoes.
In a large bowl alternately Pellkartoffelscheiben, cucumber and apple, and between each of the layers a few spoonfuls of the vinaigrette and a little pepper and salt.
At the end there should be such that a little too much marinade as a salad. The salad should always at least 3 - Pull 4 hours better yet overnight. During this time, the marinade from the salad and taste completely absorbed by the potatoes are very tender and not mushy. Then mix well.
Just before serving, cut the chives or green onions into small rolls and fold into the salad.
Is There A Need For Designer Dinnerware
pin assignments of the loop
The power of my modules are Power cord. As described in my web page about Trix Express modules is right on the module (East) is always the male, left (west) jacks. As a mnemonic for the wire colors I see myself: blue = sky, so the rear (north), Brown = Earth, so the front (south).
safe side, I have today, "drilled" a cable to be sure, as the occupation of the three poles in the cables look like.
And I could see that confirms what I was in the picture on the above site have shown: If one end of the cable so that the cusp pointing upwards, the blue wire is behind the brown front.

safe side, I have today, "drilled" a cable to be sure, as the occupation of the three poles in the cables look like.
And I could see that confirms what I was in the picture on the above site have shown: If one end of the cable so that the cusp pointing upwards, the blue wire is behind the brown front.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Make Star Shaped Cake
I am so glad that I was a girl I
I am currently looking to enjoy the DVDs of the Inspector Lewis Mysteries of which previously ran two seasons in the German ZDF television on Sunday synchronization.
are protagonists of gambling in Oxford detective series based on the books by Colin Dexter, Robert Lewis (Kevin Whately) and James Hathaway (Laurence Fox).
In "Life Born of Fire's is supposed to Hathaway ambiguous sexual orientation and the small-minded, narrow-minded naughtiness to draw a clear distinction between straights do, "who read 'Loaded' and eat Yorkie bars " and gays, "who like fashion and musicals.
fell, I did happen shortly afterwards Brit Shop Yorkie Bars, seeking a new home, at his feet. One just wanted to.
a time he was around here, I crept around it. Should I actually put on the clear words "IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!" Away? If the flash drive into me, if I did?
Eventually I sacrificed myself after all. Is not getting better from lying, the part that is made of sugar, milk powder, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, vegetable fat, lactose, milk protein, whey, emulsifiers (soya lecithin E476), and butter fat. Overall, the cocoa content of 25% is specified, the milk content of 12%. Hm, 'ne Synopsis for' Ner ordinary supermarket chocolate reads nice ...
First impression: Smells like Cadbury. Second impression: It tastes that way. Little wonder, the ingredients list reads like Cadbury's Milk.
I'm confessing sugary bacon balls, but the stuff I was definitely too sweet. And fat. I had something dark, expected Herbes, just as the Lord chocolate, dusted with chewing.
The husband was forced to try for a test bite, the chocolate was nothing for him. Hm, I have to do now worry about his sexual orientation?? Well, as long as he does not even fashion Musicals like is certainly all right, o)
I'm glad that I'm a girl and could dispose of the Yorkie bar after one or two bites.
NDW - Bush - Girl - MyVideo
I am currently looking to enjoy the DVDs of the Inspector Lewis Mysteries of which previously ran two seasons in the German ZDF television on Sunday synchronization.
are protagonists of gambling in Oxford detective series based on the books by Colin Dexter, Robert Lewis (Kevin Whately) and James Hathaway (Laurence Fox).
In "Life Born of Fire's is supposed to Hathaway ambiguous sexual orientation and the small-minded, narrow-minded naughtiness to draw a clear distinction between straights do, "who read 'Loaded' and eat Yorkie bars " and gays, "who like fashion and musicals.
fell, I did happen shortly afterwards Brit Shop Yorkie Bars, seeking a new home, at his feet. One just wanted to.
a time he was around here, I crept around it. Should I actually put on the clear words "IT'S NOT FOR GIRLS!" Away? If the flash drive into me, if I did?

First impression: Smells like Cadbury. Second impression: It tastes that way. Little wonder, the ingredients list reads like Cadbury's Milk.
I'm confessing sugary bacon balls, but the stuff I was definitely too sweet. And fat. I had something dark, expected Herbes, just as the Lord chocolate, dusted with chewing.
The husband was forced to try for a test bite, the chocolate was nothing for him. Hm, I have to do now worry about his sexual orientation?? Well, as long as he does not even fashion Musicals like is certainly all right, o)
I'm glad that I'm a girl and could dispose of the Yorkie bar after one or two bites.
NDW - Bush - Girl - MyVideo
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Buy Old Version Of Dreamweaver
Another module ....
... But this time something new: It will be a "hybrid module, which can be used for Trix Express and FREMO.
My previous modules had more than end my own "standard" based on FREMO, but somewhat simplified. Since May is now but as even a kit for a FREMO module , waiting to be assembled and decorated.
went to Christmas then release it at last. The module was zusammelgeleimt, strengthening corners I have - as you can see in the picture - not stuck in the 4 outer corners, but only two in the outer corners, two on the Vertrebungen. The reason is mainly that I did this one easier access to the screw holes await.
The next step was the legs. For some time I have the IVAR shelving from IKEA in sight. With a deep and 50 cm and a height of 124 cm, they are the dimensions for modules already very close. Now I have the uprights of the rack with a 5 cm cut so deep that it can be in the module on darübergestülbt.
as guide for the legs I stuck the remains of wooden blocks in the frame.
follows Next, the track line. But it is reported next time. (More )
... But this time something new: It will be a "hybrid module, which can be used for Trix Express and FREMO.
My previous modules had more than end my own "standard" based on FREMO, but somewhat simplified. Since May is now but as even a kit for a FREMO module , waiting to be assembled and decorated.
went to Christmas then release it at last. The module was zusammelgeleimt, strengthening corners I have - as you can see in the picture - not stuck in the 4 outer corners, but only two in the outer corners, two on the Vertrebungen. The reason is mainly that I did this one easier access to the screw holes await.
The next step was the legs. For some time I have the IVAR shelving from IKEA in sight. With a deep and 50 cm and a height of 124 cm, they are the dimensions for modules already very close. Now I have the uprights of the rack with a 5 cm cut so deep that it can be in the module on darübergestülbt.
as guide for the legs I stuck the remains of wooden blocks in the frame.
follows Next, the track line. But it is reported next time. (More )
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Matrix To Wella Comparison Chart
Bayern pizza à la Hahnei Huaba
"Since there is no taste! Since Nuremberg have pure, "I summoned. "No, you're crazy anyway. This is delicious! "Responded the husband of the Bayern-pizza, of which he was last Bavaria vacation so excited. It smelled very tempting, as they passed us to the next table was taken. So the next day she had to be ordered. While the husband was done sustainably, my enthusiasm was limited. The combination bread dumplings, sauerkraut with bacon, topped by cheese I had tasted a little too clear and bold in the first place. I guess it was bound with sauerkraut butter to be stable. The husband got my portion been postponed after a few bites.
hardly at home, it was time to Rezepttüfteln. The ingredients were all there, the pizza made by itself arose as an alternative to the already tried to have combined, we tried out Bavarian pizza - reads well, looks nice, was but mercy on us by, without that I can tell you exactly why. It did not fit easily. Our version, however fit for us
Oh, and before purists come out. Of course I know that Bayern's pizza is no pizza in the traditional sense but more of a casserole. But for us, it's at Bayern's pizza.
Bayern pizza à la Hahnei Huaba
Serves 4 - 6 servings - crushed 150 ml white beer
fenugreek seeds, or ground in a mortar
4 rolls or 200 g of white bread
100 ml , ground
fennel, ground
1 egg
1 onion
2 tablespoons smooth, chopped parsley
500 g sauerkraut (drained)
1 bay leaf
½ tsp cumin
water (alternatively, wine, apple juice, sparkling wine or champagne)
12 Nuremberg sausages
400 g cream cheese 100 ml
sauerkraut with water (alternatively, wine, apple juice, sparkling wine or champagne) leave the bay leaf and cumin cook for about 40 minutes.
the rolls for the dumplings mass should be at best a day old. It will also older, but you have to take it any more liquid make them soft enough. Instead of sandwiches you can take another white bread.
the rolls or the bark of white bread, cut into cubes and place in a bowl. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in 1 tablespoon butter. Weissbier give the bread cubes, season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Allow to cool. Parsley and egg rolls on. The remaining ground spices or ground in a mortar to give. Mix well and knead. The mass squeeze a little and take a few minutes. The mixture should be well hydrated - if necessary add a little beer.
Pour the mixture into a baking dish and pre-baking at 180 degrees (convection), about 20 minutes.
Slice the grilled sausages into slices and fry in a little oil. Drain on absorbent paper.
casserole from the oven. Sauerkraut drain, remove bay leaf, and that the sauerkraut dumplings mass. Then distribute the sausage.
mash the cheese, mix with the cream (the mixture should be so fluid that it can spread well on the pizza - even if milk or cream to give) and spread over the pizza. At 180 degrees (convection) for about 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden brown.
"Since there is no taste! Since Nuremberg have pure, "I summoned. "No, you're crazy anyway. This is delicious! "Responded the husband of the Bayern-pizza, of which he was last Bavaria vacation so excited. It smelled very tempting, as they passed us to the next table was taken. So the next day she had to be ordered. While the husband was done sustainably, my enthusiasm was limited. The combination bread dumplings, sauerkraut with bacon, topped by cheese I had tasted a little too clear and bold in the first place. I guess it was bound with sauerkraut butter to be stable. The husband got my portion been postponed after a few bites.
hardly at home, it was time to Rezepttüfteln. The ingredients were all there, the pizza made by itself arose as an alternative to the already tried to have combined, we tried out Bavarian pizza - reads well, looks nice, was but mercy on us by, without that I can tell you exactly why. It did not fit easily. Our version, however fit for us
Oh, and before purists come out. Of course I know that Bayern's pizza is no pizza in the traditional sense but more of a casserole. But for us, it's at Bayern's pizza.
Bayern pizza à la Hahnei Huaba
Serves 4 - 6 servings - crushed 150 ml white beer
fenugreek seeds, or ground in a mortar
4 rolls or 200 g of white bread
100 ml , ground
fennel, ground
1 egg
1 onion
2 tablespoons smooth, chopped parsley
500 g sauerkraut (drained)
1 bay leaf
½ tsp cumin
water (alternatively, wine, apple juice, sparkling wine or champagne)
12 Nuremberg sausages
400 g cream cheese 100 ml
sauerkraut with water (alternatively, wine, apple juice, sparkling wine or champagne) leave the bay leaf and cumin cook for about 40 minutes.
the rolls for the dumplings mass should be at best a day old. It will also older, but you have to take it any more liquid make them soft enough. Instead of sandwiches you can take another white bread.
the rolls or the bark of white bread, cut into cubes and place in a bowl. Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in 1 tablespoon butter. Weissbier give the bread cubes, season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Allow to cool. Parsley and egg rolls on. The remaining ground spices or ground in a mortar to give. Mix well and knead. The mass squeeze a little and take a few minutes. The mixture should be well hydrated - if necessary add a little beer.
Pour the mixture into a baking dish and pre-baking at 180 degrees (convection), about 20 minutes.
Slice the grilled sausages into slices and fry in a little oil. Drain on absorbent paper.
casserole from the oven. Sauerkraut drain, remove bay leaf, and that the sauerkraut dumplings mass. Then distribute the sausage.
mash the cheese, mix with the cream (the mixture should be so fluid that it can spread well on the pizza - even if milk or cream to give) and spread over the pizza. At 180 degrees (convection) for about 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden brown.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
When Is Davids Bridal Opening In Ontario
Event Tip: "Water Makes Money for flexible fibrillation
Flexible fibrillation is a mobile cinema, which enables watching movies anywhere. In most cases, Holger fibrillation and found to be rather unusual film projector to peep-places. On board the riverboat church, to Casino, the Maritim, in the Memorial Jewish Girls' School or the former Hanoverian station, for example.
the opening of its new headquarters projector Holger shows with Viva con Agua the film "Water Makes Money" .
Monday, the 14th February 2011 (the filmmakers are present)
Tuesday, the 15th February 2011
Wednesday, the 16th February 2011
Thursday, the 17th February 2011
Friday the 18th February 2011
Saturday,. 19. February 2011
Additional dates:
Monday, 21 February 2011 (the filmmakers are present)
Tuesday, the 22nd February 2011
Wednesday, the 23rd February 2011
The process: inlet clock 20:00. Before the film it the way you have to deal with the already issued material with the subject and to talk primarily with committed filmmakers and Viva con Aqua representatives. As always, the movie proper food and beverages to enjoy. 21:00 clock movie movie start time 82 minutes), then finish.
Admission: 8 € (2 € go directly to the filmmaker).
to reservations by email:
For Film: water is next to the air we breathe, the most important element for humans and animals and plants. On 27 July 2010 were included, access to safe drinking water by the General Assembly of the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
And yet the water is subjected to increasing the business interests of private corporations that are exclusively committed to the welfare of their shareholders. This is not just a problem of developing countries, but also the rich industrial countries. Everywhere, where cash-strapped local search for relief, the world's two largest water companies Suez and Veolia are knocking on the door. Together they form an opaque duopoly that supplies such as France now about 80 percent of the population with water. The results: rapidly rising consumer prices, lack of corruption and often. Since many people feel
the consequence of the sale of public property in his own body and to defend themselves against it, it is not opportune to speak of privatization. The new business models have names like 'Public Private Partnership "or" cross border leasing. But the effect is the same still. Water Makes Money documented, can the methods to deal with cities and towns control over their water. The film shows that the entrepreneurial risks are imposed on taxpayers, but the profit is privatized. And he shows how it is managed in several regions to bring the self-determination of the elixir of life back.
After the previously highly successful distribution of "Water makes Money" has criticized the film in the French group Veolia in Paris against the movie action for "slander" submitted.
opened up the process, it may take some time. Yet the film must be shown. And Arte holds in the planning set to broadcast a TV version of the International Water Day, on 22.03.2011, at 20.15 clock. But a ripple effect or performance obligation is not to be excluded.
Flexible fibrillation is a mobile cinema, which enables watching movies anywhere. In most cases, Holger fibrillation and found to be rather unusual film projector to peep-places. On board the riverboat church, to Casino, the Maritim, in the Memorial Jewish Girls' School or the former Hanoverian station, for example.
the opening of its new headquarters projector Holger shows with Viva con Agua the film "Water Makes Money" .
Monday, the 14th February 2011 (the filmmakers are present)
Tuesday, the 15th February 2011
Wednesday, the 16th February 2011
Thursday, the 17th February 2011
Friday the 18th February 2011
Saturday,. 19. February 2011
Additional dates:
Monday, 21 February 2011 (the filmmakers are present)
Tuesday, the 22nd February 2011
Wednesday, the 23rd February 2011
The process: inlet clock 20:00. Before the film it the way you have to deal with the already issued material with the subject and to talk primarily with committed filmmakers and Viva con Aqua representatives. As always, the movie proper food and beverages to enjoy. 21:00 clock movie movie start time 82 minutes), then finish.
Admission: 8 € (2 € go directly to the filmmaker).
to reservations by email:
For Film: water is next to the air we breathe, the most important element for humans and animals and plants. On 27 July 2010 were included, access to safe drinking water by the General Assembly of the UN in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
And yet the water is subjected to increasing the business interests of private corporations that are exclusively committed to the welfare of their shareholders. This is not just a problem of developing countries, but also the rich industrial countries. Everywhere, where cash-strapped local search for relief, the world's two largest water companies Suez and Veolia are knocking on the door. Together they form an opaque duopoly that supplies such as France now about 80 percent of the population with water. The results: rapidly rising consumer prices, lack of corruption and often. Since many people feel
the consequence of the sale of public property in his own body and to defend themselves against it, it is not opportune to speak of privatization. The new business models have names like 'Public Private Partnership "or" cross border leasing. But the effect is the same still. Water Makes Money documented, can the methods to deal with cities and towns control over their water. The film shows that the entrepreneurial risks are imposed on taxpayers, but the profit is privatized. And he shows how it is managed in several regions to bring the self-determination of the elixir of life back.
After the previously highly successful distribution of "Water makes Money" has criticized the film in the French group Veolia in Paris against the movie action for "slander" submitted.
opened up the process, it may take some time. Yet the film must be shown. And Arte holds in the planning set to broadcast a TV version of the International Water Day, on 22.03.2011, at 20.15 clock. But a ripple effect or performance obligation is not to be excluded.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Can I Just Close My Eyes In A Tanning Bed?
Lecker Swienkroom: Baked Bananas with Rum and hamburger brown cake
bananas left to stay with us often because we like both of them any more if they first have brown spots. Of course, is complete nonsense, then the bananas are not bad, but ripe, but I can not eat anymore. The flavor is too intense to me, and when chewed they multiply in the mouth. As a thrifty housewife, I throw the banana away, of course not, but hide them in food - in a banana chicken curry soup for example.
Only soups are also bored, so I came "Baked Bananas with Rum" from the book "What to Eat Now Autum & Winter" by Valentine Warner just the right inspiration. In the original recipe, the baked banana loaf with ginger bread, so with Dutch breakfast cakes, combo, but I still had brown hamburger cake, I took the - the recipe is thus also a nachweihnachtliche leftovers.
For non-North German: Hamburg-brown cakes are flat, rectangular biscuits that come with sugar syrup and gingerbread spices baked crisp. It was invented in 1782 allegedly Kemm baker of Altona, which is why they are called Kemm'sche cake. I represent, however, shows that Kemm originally took up a Danish recipe, namely Brune Kager - to Kemm'schen Altona time was still the second largest Danish city. In 1992, the name Kemm'sche cake was sold together with the associated recipe. They taste now, unfortunately, not as good as before, and after just one cookie, we both get heartburn. No idea what it is - the ingredients list reads up on unspecified clean flavors.
Anyway, I now buy brown hamburger cake at one true Hamburger Keksbäcker . Because they taste just incomparably good - and burns no Sod, even after more than one. The bakery also has an online shop, so there's no excuse not to try the biscuits; o)
A regular hamburger eats cake by the way the Browns on buttered brown bread or round pieces. I like them with pepperoni, ham or sausage. . Or now baked this banana
fried bananas with rum and brown hamburger cake
Ingredients for 2 servings: 3 bananas
fully ripe,
20 g butter 2 heaped teaspoons sugar (or muscovado better, so unrefined sugar from sugar cane, but he was not just to Hand)
nutmeg, freshly grated
100 ml dark rum
½ lemon, juice of it
100 - 150 g Hamburger brown cake
1 teaspoon liquid honey
peel halve the bananas, or quarters and place in a baking dish. Cut butter into cubes and spread it over the bananas. Sugar and grated nutmeg also distributed, then the rum and lemon juice to it. Casserole for 15 minutes at 200 degrees convection in the oven.
after 15 minutes, the mold from the oven. The mixture should now be fairly bubbling and sticky. The brown crumble cake and place on the ground. Drizzle the honey and give the form for another 10 minutes in the oven. Then let's see if the Brown-cake crust to brown - if necessary, cover with aluminum foil and cook for another 10 minutes in the oven.
Who thinks the tasty Swienkroom was too low in calories, the whole served with Cream, Double Cream (how it's done in the original), vanilla sauce or ice cream.
bananas can be frozen by the way great, and brown cakes also keep a while. Thus, the essential ingredients so every season is in the house.
bananas left to stay with us often because we like both of them any more if they first have brown spots. Of course, is complete nonsense, then the bananas are not bad, but ripe, but I can not eat anymore. The flavor is too intense to me, and when chewed they multiply in the mouth. As a thrifty housewife, I throw the banana away, of course not, but hide them in food - in a banana chicken curry soup for example.
Only soups are also bored, so I came "Baked Bananas with Rum" from the book "What to Eat Now Autum & Winter" by Valentine Warner just the right inspiration. In the original recipe, the baked banana loaf with ginger bread, so with Dutch breakfast cakes, combo, but I still had brown hamburger cake, I took the - the recipe is thus also a nachweihnachtliche leftovers.
For non-North German: Hamburg-brown cakes are flat, rectangular biscuits that come with sugar syrup and gingerbread spices baked crisp. It was invented in 1782 allegedly Kemm baker of Altona, which is why they are called Kemm'sche cake. I represent, however, shows that Kemm originally took up a Danish recipe, namely Brune Kager - to Kemm'schen Altona time was still the second largest Danish city. In 1992, the name Kemm'sche cake was sold together with the associated recipe. They taste now, unfortunately, not as good as before, and after just one cookie, we both get heartburn. No idea what it is - the ingredients list reads up on unspecified clean flavors.
Anyway, I now buy brown hamburger cake at one true Hamburger Keksbäcker . Because they taste just incomparably good - and burns no Sod, even after more than one. The bakery also has an online shop, so there's no excuse not to try the biscuits; o)
A regular hamburger eats cake by the way the Browns on buttered brown bread or round pieces. I like them with pepperoni, ham or sausage. . Or now baked this banana
fried bananas with rum and brown hamburger cake
Ingredients for 2 servings: 3 bananas
fully ripe,
20 g butter 2 heaped teaspoons sugar (or muscovado better, so unrefined sugar from sugar cane, but he was not just to Hand)
nutmeg, freshly grated
100 ml dark rum
½ lemon, juice of it
100 - 150 g Hamburger brown cake
1 teaspoon liquid honey
peel halve the bananas, or quarters and place in a baking dish. Cut butter into cubes and spread it over the bananas. Sugar and grated nutmeg also distributed, then the rum and lemon juice to it. Casserole for 15 minutes at 200 degrees convection in the oven.
after 15 minutes, the mold from the oven. The mixture should now be fairly bubbling and sticky. The brown crumble cake and place on the ground. Drizzle the honey and give the form for another 10 minutes in the oven. Then let's see if the Brown-cake crust to brown - if necessary, cover with aluminum foil and cook for another 10 minutes in the oven.
Who thinks the tasty Swienkroom was too low in calories, the whole served with Cream, Double Cream (how it's done in the original), vanilla sauce or ice cream.
bananas can be frozen by the way great, and brown cakes also keep a while. Thus, the essential ingredients so every season is in the house.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Webcam Central Not Detected
Linsenpörkölt with bread dumpling casserole
the moment's here just a little too Anglophile - time to change that situation, because the topic of the next meeting is finally cooking Hungary. Here is a small culinary match: Linsenpörkölt casserole with dumplings. The original recipe is cooked from Austria! Series, but I have now forgotten, of which Koch. When her husband, that court is in "Vegetarian Dinner" - ham cubes are for him no meat. Vegetarians certainly see the different, omit the ham cubes and salt it stronger.
Linsenpörkölt with bread dumpling casserole
Ingredients for 4 servings: For
the stew:
300 g lentils
2 large onions
150 g diced ham
2 red peppers
4 tablespoons paprika,
noble sweet 4 tablespoons ketchup
400 ml beef stock
thyme, as fresh as possible
2 tablespoons butter, sour cream cold
65 g 65 g Crème fraîche
chives, for garnish
For the dumplings casserole:
250 g of dry bread, stale 1 small onion
2 tablespoons butter
250 ml milk salt
pepper nutmeg, grated 3 eggs
3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
the lentils in a large bowl, cover with water and let stand about 3 days, changing the water it twice a day. The lenses should germinate easily. Alternatively, you can germinate the lenses in the germ apparatus.
The bread for the bread dumpling casserole should be at best a day old, but it will also older, but you have to take it any more liquid to make them soft enough. Instead of sandwiches you can take another white bread. bark
For the dumplings bake the bread, cut into cubes and place in a bowl. The Onion Peel and finely chop and fry in 1 tablespoon butter. Pour in milk and season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Allow to cool. Whisk the eggs with the milk and parsley and pour over the rolls. Mix well. The mass squeeze a little and take a few minutes. The mixture should be moistened well - might have to heat up some milk and add. Preheat oven to 220
degrees top and bottom heat. Auspinseln tins, oven-proof bowls or cups with the other 1 tablespoon butter. Fill the dumplings mass loose.
a baking dish filled with boiling water so that the water is about 2 inches high and set into the muffin cups. The mold in the oven and bake the pies at 220 degrees about 15 minutes. Then keep warm if necessary, until lentils are tender. Peel
For the stew onions and chop finely. Wash and clean peppers, and cut into cubes, fry bacon and onion in a dash of oil. Stir in red pepper and ketchup, pour in the stock and simmer for about 5 minutes.
lentils, peppers and thyme give it. Cook over moderate heat in the place covered pot about 12 minutes. Then season to taste with salt and pepper, to bind 2 to 3 tbsp cold butter stir.
sour cream and crème fraîche mix together. Chives chop finely.
Semmelknödelaufläufe from the oven, throw on a plate. The Stew give around it. The cream-cream mixture into a piping bag and pipe over the stew or give just a dab of the mixture to the stew. Sprinkle with chives.
the moment's here just a little too Anglophile - time to change that situation, because the topic of the next meeting is finally cooking Hungary. Here is a small culinary match: Linsenpörkölt casserole with dumplings. The original recipe is cooked from Austria! Series, but I have now forgotten, of which Koch. When her husband, that court is in "Vegetarian Dinner" - ham cubes are for him no meat. Vegetarians certainly see the different, omit the ham cubes and salt it stronger.
Linsenpörkölt with bread dumpling casserole
Ingredients for 4 servings: For
the stew:
300 g lentils
2 large onions
150 g diced ham
2 red peppers
4 tablespoons paprika,
noble sweet 4 tablespoons ketchup
400 ml beef stock
thyme, as fresh as possible
2 tablespoons butter, sour cream cold
65 g 65 g Crème fraîche
chives, for garnish
For the dumplings casserole:
250 g of dry bread, stale 1 small onion
2 tablespoons butter
250 ml milk salt
pepper nutmeg, grated 3 eggs
3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
the lentils in a large bowl, cover with water and let stand about 3 days, changing the water it twice a day. The lenses should germinate easily. Alternatively, you can germinate the lenses in the germ apparatus.
The bread for the bread dumpling casserole should be at best a day old, but it will also older, but you have to take it any more liquid to make them soft enough. Instead of sandwiches you can take another white bread. bark
For the dumplings bake the bread, cut into cubes and place in a bowl. The Onion Peel and finely chop and fry in 1 tablespoon butter. Pour in milk and season with salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Allow to cool. Whisk the eggs with the milk and parsley and pour over the rolls. Mix well. The mass squeeze a little and take a few minutes. The mixture should be moistened well - might have to heat up some milk and add. Preheat oven to 220
degrees top and bottom heat. Auspinseln tins, oven-proof bowls or cups with the other 1 tablespoon butter. Fill the dumplings mass loose.
a baking dish filled with boiling water so that the water is about 2 inches high and set into the muffin cups. The mold in the oven and bake the pies at 220 degrees about 15 minutes. Then keep warm if necessary, until lentils are tender. Peel
For the stew onions and chop finely. Wash and clean peppers, and cut into cubes, fry bacon and onion in a dash of oil. Stir in red pepper and ketchup, pour in the stock and simmer for about 5 minutes.
lentils, peppers and thyme give it. Cook over moderate heat in the place covered pot about 12 minutes. Then season to taste with salt and pepper, to bind 2 to 3 tbsp cold butter stir.
sour cream and crème fraîche mix together. Chives chop finely.
Semmelknödelaufläufe from the oven, throw on a plate. The Stew give around it. The cream-cream mixture into a piping bag and pipe over the stew or give just a dab of the mixture to the stew. Sprinkle with chives.
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